Do I need to pay VAT when ordering from Degitech Ltd?
Our all prices are including VAT.
VAT is charged on all goods sold, at the standard UK rate of 20%. Please note that we do not offer a VAT refund service.
Degitech Ltd does not invite purchases from outside of the European Union (EU); and therefore all transactions will be subject to UK VAT. You are advised not to place orders with a shipping destination outside of the EU (which also operate within some non-EU territories e.g. Jersey & Guernsey - VAT-free zones outside of normal UK and CE trade tariffs); in doing so you agree to accept the VAT levied against your purchase.
Degitech Ltd does not invite purchases from outside of the European Union (EU); and therefore all transactions will be subject to UK VAT. You are advised not to place orders with a shipping destination outside of the EU (which also operate within some non-EU territories e.g. Jersey & Guernsey - VAT-free zones outside of normal UK and CE trade tariffs); in doing so you agree to accept the VAT levied against your purchase.