How do I place an order?
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Buy It
- Browse to categories and products using the tabs at the top of the page or the links to the left
- Search for a particular product or category using the search box in the top left of the page
- Learn about the product through the detailed description
- View the image gallery for a closer look
- Read any customer reviews
- Check out the delivery options available
- Look out for multi-buy discounts
- Click the Add To Basket button
- Use the Continue Shopping links to find more products
- Click the Place Your Order button to use our secure checkout
Buy It
- Log in or register using your email address
- Tell us where to deliver it
- Let us know how you would like to pay.
- Click the Place Order Online button to complete your order
- Please remember that as a valued customer we value your privacy
Delivery Confirmation
- We will send you an email acknowledgement upon placing your order
- You can keep track of the status of your order via the Where's My Order? link at the top of the page
- We will send you another email once your order has been despatched